segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2021

JESUS CRISTO MORREU NA CRUZ?-Uma reflexão critica

Por motivos alheios à nosa vontade não ficaram impressos no post com o titulo em epigrafe as referências dos artigos científicos pelo que rectificamos a falha:

Artigos Científicos:

Bucklin, Robert M.D. «An authopsy on the Man of the Shroud» 1997

Fanti  et al «Evidences for testing hypothesis about the body image formationof the Turin Shroud» , The Third Dallas International Conference on the Shroud of Turin, Dallas, Texas September 8-11 2005

Moran, Kevin Fanti Giulio «Does the Shroud body Image show any physical evidence of Resurrection?» IV Symposium International Scientifique du CIELT Paris 25-26 Avril 2002

Faccini, Barbara, Fanti, Giulio «New Image processing of the Turin Shroud scourge marks» Proceedings of the International Workshop on the scientific approach of the Acheiropoietos Images, ENEA , Frascati Italy 4-6 May 2010

Manservigi, Flavia «The flagra of the Vatican Museum»

Faccini, Barbara, Carreira, EmmanuelM., Fanti, Giulio,Palacios José de,Villalain José Delfin «The Death of the Shroud man: An improved review» The Shroud of Turin Perspectives on a Multifacet Enigma, Shroud Science Group International Conference August 14-17 2008 Ohio State University the Blackwell Hotel Columbus Ohio

Zugibe, Frederick T. M.D. Ph. «Pierre Barbet revisited»

Lavoie,Gilbert M.D. Lavoie Bonnie B. PhD, Donovan Vincent Reverend, Ballas John S. M.S.E.E. «Blood on the Shroud of Turin part 1»

Rodante, SebastianoM.D. «The Coronation of Thornsin the light of the Shroud» Shroud Spectrum International Pilot Issue #1 December 1981


Bollone, Pierluigi Baima, Jorio, Maria, Massaro Anna Lucia, «Identification of the Group of the Traces of Human Blood on the Shroud» Shroud Spectrum International Issue #6 March 1983


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